The pressures of the crazy world in which we live cause havoc on the physical and mental health. Do not become in other victim! Of course, you are not the only one exposed to pressures of a fast pace of life. Every day, millions of women are forced to confront an ever-faster moving world. The trouble is that this situation causes real problems in health and wellness. Learn to recognize, and attack the symptoms of what appear to be the “disease in vogue”.

The current lifestyle, family dysfunction, intolerance, frustration, level of competition, generating expectations, the pursuit of unrealistic standards of beauty, work and family pressure, cause women to suffer serious anxiety disorders, whose the most common manifestations are: headaches and abdominal pain.

Stay alert, because this does not stop here. If to the said before, you add poor eating habits, extra load of stress, abuse of drugs such as aspirin, alcohol and cigarette, do not be surprised if you start to feel nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and even loss of appetite, as you’ve abandoned the healthy ground to give a way to gastritis.

Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach from excess of acid secretion, either because of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, swallowing strong or spicy foods or simply anxiety and stress.

If you think that you are already a victim of this disease, do not think that it has a cure. This disease is not temporary, and if you allow it to move forward, can become critical. If you have felt even one of these symptoms, please, talk to your doctor.

But all is not lost. While gastritis can occur rapidly (acute) or stay for a long time (chronic), its treatment depends on the cause. Some cases resolve spontaneously, while others, experts recommend antacids that reduce the secretion of acid that causes more irritation to inflamed areas, wherewith symptoms are relieved and facilitates healing.

However, changing habits is essential to prevent and treat this disorder. If gastritis is caused by an infection, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. Eat natural foods, meet meal times, take the necessary time to eat, do not eating very cool or hot dishes, avoid prolonged fasting, reduce levels of stress and anxiety, forget alcohol and cigarettes, reduce the risk of getting this annoying disease.

Consider that the gastritis is the result of a number of factors including social and emotional aspects, which can seriously affect your life and health. Your wellbeing worth more than you think. Do not reject medical support, is essential for a successful treatment.