It is not a secret that sex has great benefits. Among them we have the physical benefits, we also can burn calories, and improves cardiovascular health. Emotionally, it improves self-esteem and secretes the hormone endorphin, which is popularly known as the “happiness hormone”. Mentally, it regulates stress and makes people have a more pleasant rest.

There is an area of this topic that many people do not know or superficially treat: intimacy during and after pregnancy. Many believe in different myths about sex during this period, some known are: “if you have sex, the penis hitting the baby’s head, and will generate problems,” “masturbation dries breast milk,” “get an active sexual life can anticipate birth”; but these are just rumors. The reality is that sex during pregnancy, has more benefits than you think.

During pregnancy, women pass through a huge physical, emotional and hormonal process in which their moods, appetite and personality are altered. Your sexual desire may decrease and may increase, but it is important that this not turn off under any circumstance. Although woman may have thoughts of harming her baby if she has sex, the absence of this could be worse.

The intimacy of the couple helps and encourages the integration of the same, creating a stronger emotional and physical bond. This intimate during pregnancy, is the perfect opportunity to create a bond “parent-child”, as in the case of the father, he will feel more connected to the moment, and he will want to have a greater involvement during pregnancy. In addition, this will be felt that both are being considered, and there will be no need to seek care in someone else, reducing the risks of infidelity.

In the maternal-physical area, sexual relationships help to prepare the pelvic muscles to the contractions, since the presence of the same at the time of penetration are simulated; and if you are close to delivery, make the cervix has a greater and faster expansion.

The baby also benefits, because orgasms are a natural reaction of the body. When we reach the top of the excitement over the release of hormones we will feel a high degree of pleasure, comfort and tranquility, those feelings run through the whole body and make feel comfortable to the little baby.

After delivery comes the tricky part, because woman tends to feel tired, sore, unattractive and without sexual desire. It is essential the couple support at this stage of the relationship, because you will require great understanding and support in these days.

Quarantine is indicated to the woman, in this period she cannot, or should have vaginal penetration. During this time the couple could be intimate in other ways, communication and demonstration of affection without sex, will be essential in those weeks, promoting unity and confidence.

If all goes well in your pregnancy, do not hesitate to enjoy a full and active sex life.