Bad breath or halitosis is a fairly common problem suffered by many people. And that can affect not only their image but also the way they relate to others. Since it can only be considered a sign of carelessness and lack of hygiene, although it can also be an indication of certain health problems. Above all, associated with the digestive or respiratory system.

Without a doubt, it is a problem that has many pathological and non-pathological causes. But among them, the one that has the greatest incidence in its occurrence are some habits that we carry out daily. Therefore, identifying which ones are causing it can make a big difference.

Sin duda, se trata de un problema que tiene muchas causas patológicas y no patológicas. Pero entre ellas, la que tiene mayor incidencia en que se presente son algunos hábitos que realizamos diariamente. Por ello, identificar cuáles son aquellos que lo causan puede significar una gran diferencia.

El mal aliento Bad breath Halitosis
Image By Anemone123 from Pixabay 

Top habits that cause bad breath

Consumption of certain foods

Among all the habits that we have on a daily basis, the food and diet that we follow have a lot to do with our bad breath. Well, the consumption of foods such as garlic or onion, whose odors persist for a long time after being consumed, may be the cause.

Although these are not the only ones, since other foods can also cause it. Among them are dairy products, broccoli, or cauliflower, pineapple, radish, tomato juice or canned tuna. Since they are mostly rich in sulfur and in other cases they react with bacteria and amino acids in the mouth causing bad breath.

However, many of them are beneficial to our overall health. So we cannot eliminate them from our diet, but we can neutralize their effect with other foods that help us have fresh breath. Experts say that apples, cloves, dill, anise, parsley, carrots, pears, watermelon or kiwi help fight bad breath. In the same way we can resort to infusions of plants such as mint, eucalyptus, thyme, sage or rosemary.

The use of medication

Taking certain medications can have an additional effect on bad breath. Since some of its components produce dry mouth or xerostomia, which favors the proliferation of bacteria which indirectly produces halitosis. While other drugs after breaking down release chemicals that are transported to the breath.

Bad dental hygiene

This is one of the main causes of bad breath and the first one that we must combat when we suffer from this problem. Since, if the bacterial plaque is not completely eliminated through a good brushing, we are contributing to the growth and accumulation of bacteria. Especially between the teeth, the tongue and around the gums which results in creepy breath.

In addition, this can lead to other problems such as tartar or cavities, which in the long term can have more serious consequences for our oral health. Therefore, although it seems trite, just brushing correctly will not completely remove plaque. It is also important to floss, a suitable antiseptic, and brush the tongue with a flat tongue scraper.

These good habits will help us eliminate food particles that can stick between the teeth and gums. As well as the germs that cause bad breath.

Smoking and chewing tobacco

In addition to causing cavities and other health problems. The use of tobacco products is one of the main causes of bad breath. This is because they contain substances like tar and nicotine. They are capable of adhering to the teeth, tongue and mucous membranes of the mouth, altering the bacterial flora of the oral mucosa.

In addition, tobacco also causes us to secrete less saliva, that is, xerostomia and therefore bad breath becomes present in our lives. Let’s keep in mind that saliva plays an important role in having good breath. Since it helps us keep the bacteria present in our mouth in balance and by secreting less amount we are reducing the protection against them.

That is why xerostomia favours the proliferation of microorganisms that feed on the remains of food, known as saprophytic bacteria.

Fasts and diets

Just as what we eat has an impact on our breath, what we do not eat also manifests itself on it. While it seems hard to believe, long fasts and diets that are too low in calories also tend to lead to halitosis. This is due to the fact that fasting generates in us a state of hypoglycaemia, or a low level of glucose in the blood.

This causes that, in order to replace the levels of sugar in the blood, the body generates, together with some fatty acids, bad-smelling compounds. In the same way, by not chewing anything for a period of time we are reducing salivary flow and causing dry mouth. That, as has been said, is another of the great causes of halitosis.

Although halitosis caused by fasting is temporary and physiological. To avoid bad breath when losing weight, it is recommended to consume a handful of nuts every three or four hours to avoid hypoglycaemia. In addition to continuously drinking fluids to avoid dehydration and stimulate salivation.

Not drinking enough water

It is no secret to anyone that drinking water is highly beneficial for health. But what many seem to ignore is that it is also used to stimulate salivation and prevent bad breath. The reason is, when we do not drink enough water, our mouth does not have enough moisture to produce saliva.

Which causes dryness and prevents food debris and bacteria that cause bad breath from being dragged away from the mouth. In addition to promoting the development of cavities and periodontal problems.

Eat a lot of candies

The high content of sugars present in sweets and candies makes them stick to the teeth, remaining there for longer. This facilitates the growth of bacteria in the mouth, which can lead to bad breath.

Dentists say that mainly sticky sweets such as gummies and candies are the most harmful. So they recommend that, instead of eating these sweets, we preferably opt for a piece of pure chocolate. Since it has less sugar and dissolves more quickly in the mouth.