Azurite is a mineral that forms in copper deposits exposed to the weather. It has a characteristic blue color. Crystallized settle as a mass, nodular formations, layers, and sometimes beautiful spots tabular crystals. It is formed when the copper ore is oxidized, and for that reason, in some cases appears next to the Malachite, with which it shares a similar chemical structure.
Among the properties it owns addresses throat problems, joints, spine aligned and works at the cellular level restoring damage. It also helps in kidney problems, bile, liver, spleen, thyroid, bones, teeth and skin, promoting detoxification. Besides all these benefits relaxes tensions and jams, especially in cases of stress due to family or work problems. Allows more light into our emotions in times of sadness and concern, transmuting the fears and understanding their origin.
The Azurite has an immense cosmic potential to help regenerate the bodies in physical, mental and emotional state. It is very good for the acquisition of knowledge and wisdom, especially for a Spiritual Guide to the universal consciousness. Assists in astral travels so that the outputs of the body occur easily and safely; since first it allows you to scroll the root of this blockade, see what has generated it, when it started and then with its energy cracks and breaks it; freeing and allowing energy to flow into your body.
This beautiful stone is used on the throat chakra for meditation, and if you place another on the pineal chakra, you will obtain a clearer vision of your past emotions helping you to externalize them positively. Azurite opens the creative possibilities of being at all levels, curing indecision and the trend to worry. Connect the intellect with love and compassion and encourages loving interaction. It gives you the strength to feel invincible when needed.
It is also used for growth problems in children. Combined with Malachite, it generates a very effective empathic energy absorbing harmful vibrations and negative energies; cleaning deeply blockages or old thought patterns.
Azurite is the stone to dissolve the obstacles and resistance in the progress of your life. Focus your thoughts on the power of mineral, ejecting from the inside out which does not allow you to advance in your way. Do not hesitate and use this stone, so that there is no obstacle that can stops you!