God keeps surprising us with all his stunning creations and handworks, among which we can find the splendid rock rhodochrosite, characterized by its beauty and intense pink color. It allows us connect each with our interior peace, qualified as the stone of sacrifice, fidelity and altruistic love.
It comes from Argentinian Republic, specifically from the Capillitas mines, Catamarca, Andalgala, places where this rock is extracted from. It is known as the Rock of Inca or the National Stone of Argentina, being considered as the only rock worldwide because of its purity. In addition, it is cataloged one of the most colorful gems in the world because of its structure and its beautiful pink color.
The rhodochrosite contains a large quantity of copper which helps being an excellent conducting of energy and fire, with the positive interrelationship of physical, emotional and mental aspects, with the addition of containing manganese carbonate concentrations and a hardness of 4, in a one to ten scale.
In reference to its mineralization, is volcanic, and it’s located in a volcanic fireplace, composed by rhyolite, tuffs and gaps and we can find it in the Capillitas saws (Argentina) 3200 meters above sea level. It’s very common to find it as a sedimentary mineral, formed in manganese and in hydrothermal veins deposits.
According to past mythologies, it was believed that this rock flourished because of the death of a beaufitul woman in love named ñustaAjlla, who battled against her lover for her love. He was a brave and invincible warrior known as Tupac Canqui, who was brave enough to cross over the sacred lake mirror, climbing the high cliffs that protected the home where Inti priestesses virgins lived, these women only were allowed to live their spaces when the Inca choose them to proclaim the race purity; curiosity lead him to profane the place, getting to know and falling desperately in love with her. This love snubbed the strict Incas rules and forced them to scape to the South, initiating a risky trip full of sacrifices and obstacles against the warrior’s persecutions that wanted to punish them.
The attempt was not successful, however their spells hurt the eternal lover who died years later and was sadly buried by his true lover on the tip of a mountain, where the famous rock flourished among cliffs, covering her body. It is believed that this was a consequence of the massive love they had for each other.
Besides its spiritual and healing qualities, this gem generates vitality and interior harmony, prevents the insomnia and promotes the altruism and tranquility. It is recommended as a way of protection to infectious and bladder diseases, relieves the migraines, breathing problems, and deep emotional traumas.
Its wonderful pink color with stripes, are excellent for spiritual and physical diseases related to the heart. It helps us heal the heart chakra as well as have better relationships and adequate emotions.
The rhodochrosite wakes our creativity up and it works as a untruthful protection. Finally, it regulates the diaphragm and our breathing.