The feet are one of the most vulnerable parts of the body, and at the same time, which we often neglect. What is reflected in them with the appearance of corns, blisters, cracked heels, ingrown toenails and fungus, affecting not only its appearance but also our health; among the most common diseases: the contagion of a fungus known as athlete’s foot.
Although its name could be associated with a disease of the athletes, it is true that any person, even without being, could suffer from this disease; man is one of the most prone in infected, continuing in the order the women and children.
Among the main causes are: the dermatophytic fungi and the action of yeast or bacteria, which are favored by the presence of sweat on your feet for extended periods of time and the use of closed shoes, preventing the correct ventilation of the fingers. But in addition, there are many environments that are conducive to the spread of this fungus as are the pools, baths and showers.
However, in persons infected the symptoms do not represent severity, but can be very annoying, including strong itching, redness, pain, blisters, bad odor and discoloration and thickening of the nails; which can get worse unless a treatment is applied and the most effective option to combat it as for example: use of antifungal topical and oral simultaneously.
In spite of the fact that there are many treatments, the most important thing will be the prevention, by which we must take into account the following recommendations to avoid getting infected with the athlete’s foot:
- Wash your feet, at least 2 times a day and keep them dry, emphasizing the space between the fingers. You can reinforce this measure using antifungal talcum; this will prevent excessive sweating and the presence of fungi and bacteria.
- Use ventilated shoes, with which we can prevent the heat and humidity of the feet, such as product of the sweating.
- When you use public bathrooms and swimming pools do not go barefoot, to do this, use sandals that allow you to avoid contact with wet floors, which could be contaminated with the fungus.
- Use clean socks and avoid sharing them, because a person infected with the fungus can transmit it directly to another by contact with this garment.
- Perform the manicure and pedicure regularly, as this will allow you to detect and act in a timely manner any symptom that is manifested.
Athlete’s foot should not be underestimated, because if it is not treated properly, can be extended to other parts of the body, the recommendation will be go to the podiatrist in the presence of any symptom, who will determine with accuracy the cause and the best treatment. Remember that your feet will help you to achieve what is proposed, so do not neglect them!