Even though a lot of times they are imperceptible to the naked eyes, the astrologic events will always be present in the sky, altering the position of the and movement of the stars. But, because of the fact that we can’t see them, it doesn’t mean that we will escape their influence in our lives. Therefore, if you are not a follower of these events, you will have to be aware, because at the end of August and beginning of September 4 powerful events will take place that might definitely change your life.
The first of them will begin on August 29th, when Mercury the planet of communication and Venus the planet of love and beauty enter in astrological conjunction, because their combination will empower the sociability and easiness to communicate and convince others. But, with it there will also be the interpersonal, diplomatic and study relationships. Although the negative part of this conjunction is that it could cause in us a lack of seriousness, constancy and consistency.
The second event will be on August 30th, and it’s about the third retrogradation of Mercury. Although this time in the sign of Virgo, it will primarily affect the signs of Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius and Gemini, provoking that things slow down a bit. Therefore, the recommendation would be that during the three weeks that the retrograde phase lasts, we avoid: signing contracts, starting any projects and even making important decisions. Because the inconvenients, accidents and confusions will be at the order of the day; the key is to be prepared to take things easy and act with caution.
On the other hand, two important events will take place on september 1st, the first of them is the new moon, it will have great repercussions on the beginning of a new stage, whether it’s because of the beginning of new projects or because you retake some of them that were being postponed. Although this moon will fill us with an intense energy, we will have to control ourselves if we want to avoid the excess of activities, the confusion and stress, during the next three days that this lunar phase will last.
While the second is an annular solar eclipse, that even though it will last under 3 minutes, they will be more than enough to mark its influence. Because on a personal level, it will happen in Virgo, which will help us see things practically, when concreting those projects that are clear to us. Either way it will inflict on the emotions and feelings, avoiding that they are exteriorized, which may unleash in political and/or religious; this is the reason why we will have to do a great effort to say what we think and feel.
Nevertheless, the quadrature to the conjunction Saturn-Mars indicates us the existence of a risk of natural disasters and accidents, while its opposition to Neptune alerts us about the risk of disaster and dangers in the sea.