You should repeat yourself that happiness has little to do with success, this goes beyond your wealth and belongings. The magic of success does not come through a bank transaction; fighting, sacrificing, complement and build are not the key that opens border crossing roads and expanding all your shortcomings and attachments.

Success is ephemeral, appropriate it for self is the herculean task that you must face every day of your existence. You can reach it, the work is on hold as a kite in the air.

Projected energy, the sun as light and heat propagation, fire as an element, bright and majestic as gold, with powers of money attraction, luck, success, fortune-telling, creativity and love. All this can be attracted with the tiger eye! So much so that in olden times soldiers used it in engravings as symbols to have protection in battles.

This was a stone coveted by thieves in those days because it assured them success in games. If the desire or aspiration is encouraging success and wealth, or protection from danger, just keeps tiger eye in your belongings, either in a purse, bag, wallet or pocket of a item of clothing, or perhaps embedded in a piece of ring, chain, earring, and why not, in a simple keychain.


Encourages to achieve our goals, recognizing internal forces to promote the capacity of attention and intention, inasmuch as it integrates cerebral hemispheres enhancing the practical perception of a person.

Tiger eye is a mixture of minerals that has brown and yellowish colors, composing mainly of quartz and a pseudomorphic fibrous structure, a feature that appears when a mineral has an external correspondence with other mineral species.


Considered as semi-precious stone and striking, commonly we can find it on jewelry clothes and artistic objects. For being governed by the sun it has a golden ray of light inside, magical effect that makes it look more attractive and eye-catching for people who decide to get it in its different presentations on the market.

Applied to heal and cure several illnesses that afflict us, experts advises to encourage night vision, throat affections, aches in reproductive organs, dissolution of limitations and fusing bones from a fall.

For astrology, its use is directly assigned to those belonging to Leo, related with this zodiac sign assists them to harmonize their creative energy and succeed, especially if exercise them artistic professions. A sign of Virgo the conditioned to enhance their spiritual and higher qualities.

Discover the magic of success in everything what you want to get, take time to find the key that it will allow you to expand into a new and promising future with the benefits of tiger eye.