Anorexia is nothing but suppress the urge to eat, or simple, no comer. This becomes a disorder when it is rooted in certain mental perceptions, like don’t eat because fear of gain weight, and the person avoid doing it. Anorexia is very common on women, been the teenage years when we are more susceptible of having this mental disorder, which becomes a disease. But, how can you tell when you are anorexic?

Realizing and accepting that we have a problem is not easy; sometimes, we need help of our friends and family to realize that we are having a problem. If you start having fear of eat because you may get fat, at several times you have not eating for this cause, you may have this disorder. You must realize that anorexia not just happen on skinny people, this begins with negative thoughts about our body, that later becomes a problem when we start losing weight.

The different standards of beauty impose by the current society, have push young women to having this disease, making them believe that look very thin is healthy, and that to be beautiful you must be thin. If you think like this, remember even so if stop eating can make you lose weight, also jeopardizes your health; also, just like you lose weight quickly, it is very easy get the weight back, and you won’t look attractive, much less healthy.


The best way to lose weight still is a good alimentation and exercise. These two key points will help not only to stay healthy and beautiful, but also, eventually, will provide other benefits, such as acceleration of metabolism.

Anorexia becomes more serious when we begin to not distinguish reality from what we see in the mirror; therefore, you continue seeing yourself fat although it has lost enough weight to jeopardize your health. This disorder is not easy to diagnose, since the person who has it, will not be able to admit and generally the family realize too late, when changes are very pronounced. There is no problem wanting to look like a super model as long as it does healthy and without excess.

Early detection of the disease depends on you, your ability to admit and tell a friend or family member: I believe a have a problem. When you accept it, and go to a specialist, you are preventing many health problems, and also will fight this disorder quickly. Your specialist will not only help with anorexia, but treat the root problem, either with the help of a psychologist or a nutritionist