Historically, nature has blessed us with everything we need, including food. Give us all the nutrients and energy we need for our daily life. Health is very connected to our food, so it is very important to have a balanced diet. There are foods that can help improve from all kinds of diseases; practically are the cure for any health problem. Know the foods that have healing properties.

Garlic: This little food has enormous benefits for health, we must include it in our diet, in order to obtain their benefits and this is not as difficult as it is a perfect condiment for our meals. Garlic provides benefits to our circulation, heart and our defenses; include it in your diet and get all these benefits for your health!

Whole Grains: Everything that contains some whole grain will be perfect for your diet, because it improves triglycerides, regulates cholesterol and possesses fiber; so if you have lazy bowel problems these cereals will be your best ally. The different foods that provide fiber are: brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole grains and some organic pasta; so you can include any of these in every meal.

Broccoli: It is a plant that cannot be out of your diet as it contains vitamins C and E, antioxidants and countless beneficial properties for your health. Besides, broccoli contains proteins essential for our body. Also, several studies have shown that broccoli is an excellent shield against cancer.

Asparagus: This food is perfect for cleaning our body. Help with the swelling due to fluid retention, it eliminates toxins and is an excellent diuretic; so it will be a great option for people who have difficulty going to the bathroom.

Fruit: As if wasn’t enough besides being delicious, provide many vitamins needed by our body. Fruits are a great source of vitamin C and antioxidants, contain fiber and are capable of recharging our daily energy reserves. Citrus fruits such as tangerine, orange, pineapple, strawberry and kiwi, are favorites because provide a lot of nutrients.

Honey: Honey is a great sweetener for our meals, plus it has been maintained over time fame as a natural healer. Honey contains natural antibiotics and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is perfect for those who have stomach aches or intestinal problems.

Fish: Fish is our best option if we consume protein, so the white meat is the most recommended to consume also it contains omega-3, vitamins, minerals, helps lower our cholesterol, improves the appearance of our skin and strengthens bones. It is advisable to consume this type of food at least 2 times a week, especially for those suffering from arthritis and hypertension.

Food is the main source of nutrients in our body. Include each of these foods in your daily diet remember that these are the source of our youth and vitality.


1 thoughts on “HEALING FOODS!

  1. Marian says:

    I wasn’t aware that garlic was excellent to our health, I’ll keep it in mind next time we are cooking at home. Nice tips.

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