Each time are more the women which for professional reasons, economic or even because the love searching has become into something complex, they have decided to delay the maternity, and when the “okay now”, comes, they found that maybe the duty is not that simple as they thought.

In the other hand, there are also more women with power and important positions and responsibilities, they are successful professionals and maybe without noticing, they leave by side assuming such an important commitment and for the rest of their lives.

Nevertheless, personal development, and as a gender that women has kept in actual society, it’s what had kept her away or delayed in the achievement of the functions or intrinsic roles, that for natural law she had to take, however, it also got her closer and even has been the principal character of technological advances which make easier the process and have made them more efficient.

Maternity can’t scape from that and as they can fully achieve their managements and administratives functions of high responsibility, they also can determine which is the right physiological moment to try to get pregnant or not. And all through their smartphones.

How to do this?: Nowadays there are different apps which aloud woman to make her life easier. The agendas and “X” on the the calendars are really far away in the past. Now there is an app which will inform her through an alert that is delivered directly in her mobile, in which moment of the menstrual cycle she is on and if it’s appropriate to try to get pregnant or on the contrary, take all the forecasts for this not to happen.

There are also apps oriented to make the new mom’s life easier during the gestational process and after the baby’s born, all through her cellphone.
Gia Mamma, is an app that allows you to calculate your menstrual cycle, what are your dates with more fertility. You can also make the tracking of your pregnancy and even your baby’s growth after his born. It’s pretty complete and it has a wide functions range. Also, if you are in the searching of a pregnancy, you can use these apps: Period Tracker, Period Calendar, WomanLog Calendar, Lady Timer, OvuView and LoveCycles.

But, if you are already pregnant and you want a virtual baby so you can learn the art of being a mom, with apps like these, you can have it: Virtual Baby, Baby Babel and Rehearsal Before He is Born.

And if we are talking about apps to measure the contractions and baby’s movements, you can’t miss Kickberry, Birthberry, Contraction Master and Nine Months. All those apps are available for iPhone and Android. So, don’t wait more to get them installed, if you already took the decision of becoming a mother, “in the sweet waiting” or enjoying the baby in you arms, lean on these technology’s advantages, help is never too much.