Aries: Aries women are warriors by nature, the metal corresponding to their sign is iron, this will bring to their lives a great shield of defense and protection against bad energies.

Taurus: Taurus women are very susceptible to any eventuality, Copper is the metal for your sign, as this is beneficial for stimulating good health, and dealing with depression.

Gemini: You share your metal with Virgo; which is aluminum, the metal will help you be more practical and do things more quickly with higher mental agility while also adding a lot of wisdom.

Cancer: The steel is the metal for you cancer, this sharpen your intelligence, wisdom and initiative, and protect your home from negative energies because of the roughness and strength in it.

Leo: No doubt the metal for Leo girls is gold, the great king of metals, as we know Leo is ruled by the Sun star, and the gold in your sign will attract monetary wealth and endless successes.

Virgo: for you Virgo, aluminum is the metal, this will grant you a brilliant mental agility, allows you to think very wisely because brings the power of reasoning and rationalism.

Libra: Mercury is the metal for you Libra, This metal will help raise awareness and make the most of your physical abilities. Also encourages good enzymatic action of your body.

Scorpio: For Scorpio; the eternal dreamers. Your metal is bronze having it at home will bring benefits to your life, because stimulates creativity, dynamism and above all the passion.

Sagittarius: Sagittarius, your metal is Tin, will bring the benefits of a good spiritual development, will make you communicate with your inner i, and gives you all the tools to acquire fortune.

Capricorn: Lead is the metal for Capricorn, This is a mystical metal and will contribute with the ability to fight envy and jealousy of someone else. It gives strength and sobriety.

Aquarius: Platinum is the metal of choice for your sign, This metal will grant exceptional harmony with the world around you, besides giving the gift of communication and great psychic abilities.

Pisces: Nickel is the metal that corresponds to your sign, it will grant the willpower and perseverance to achieve anything that you set your mind on, in addition to enrich you with great intellectual humility.



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