Learn a new language and another culture is not an easy task, but neither difficult. It is necessary, before embarking on the adventure of discovering new territories, knowing well ours. When we refer to the language and culture of another country, we include a representation of our human creativity, as the language, expressions, customs, traditions and laws that govern it.

Visit a country, and do not speak the language, feels like a sinking ship, and when we are not be able to take possession of it, it is possible that you have some problems to know their culture. Learn a new language is make facing the presence of a new culture, is a process full of complexity, which will involve a direct contact, a hard work and a clear objective in your mind to be motivated.

When decides to know a new country, it is important to focus on why you want to learn a new language and a new culture. No matter what age you have, if you feel motivated and have the aspiration to understand that language, and get along with another type of culture.

There is no more rewarding to learn a new language, other cultures different from ours; to understand the demonym, customs, traditions and ways of life, the only way to proceed is live and learn them, and the only way to achieve this is learning to speak that language; this is the aspect that will allow us to get into the canons of life of their habitants, where everything will appear uncertain and desolate at the beginning.


Take the initiative to leave their space, to explore other, is not an easy decision. Leave their country of origin involves learning other language, to discover that there are new forms of expression and different ways to see the world.

Each language and the culture it represents, is different, and the best way to understand and understand another culture is making face to their own language, master their language. As well as knowing the behavior of other individuals, is an enriching way to connect with the world around them.

When you have the ability to master a foreign language, the impact generalizes new changes in your life; discovering new cultures is internalized and harmonized in such a way that you learn to differentiate the behavior of other races, and these behaviors, attitudes and ways of thinking are very different from ours.

Embark on the adventure of enjoying other options that life offers us: as travel, live in the presence of a different culture, acquire knowledge of another language. It will allow you to be more sensitive, have more skills, and therefore achieve their dreams and achieve new goals.

Life is so short, that we will never find out what fate has in store for us. If your dreams and goals are outside their country of origin, fight to get it and enjoy new experiences!