Leaving aside the stereotypes, reaching the age of 50 has innumerable advantages, our character is better formed, we are much more patient, humble and tolerant, our self-esteem is at the highest levels, we knows what we want and we have experience.

Your children are probably older and you will surely have more free time, so you can explore the world and carry out activities that in your youth were left aside for your responsibility as a mother, wife or worker.

To have a more pleasant life and enjoy this stage of your life in the best way possible, we offer several options:

  1. Make a list of things that may interest you, take into account the time and money you have. You can use your time to study, or learn something new, such as painting, goldsmithing, or anything you like. You can also plan that trip you have always wanted to do and for many reasons was always postponed, or enjoy activities like reading, cinema or theater.
  2. Get involved with your community, actively participate in the activities of your community, whether cultural, recreational or political. Help people by volunteering and alternating with people who have the same interests.
  3. Meet people of your age, who will provide you with wonderful new experiences. Keep in mind that life expectancy increases when people maintain relationships with friends and get together with them often.
  4. Take care of your health, by visiting the doctor regularly, to prevent possible health problems. Have a healthy, balanced diet, high in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. Try to decrease the consumption of salt, sugar and red meats.
  5. Exercise. The most recommended are cardiovascular ones that promote your health both physical and mental. Include walks in your routines or practice yoga or swimming. Prefer to perform outdoor exercises, since exposure to the sun for about 10 to 15 minutes will allow you to keep the skin in good condition
  6. Listen to your body and rest when necessary. Sleep from 7 to 9 hours a night to help your body and your mind stay healthy. Resting pleasantly will benefit you by lowering rates of depression or distress.
  7. Eliminate harmful habits such as smoking from your life, keep in mind that the cigarette causes severe damage to the collagen of the skin, which will cause loss of elasticity and the appearance of wrinkles. As for drinks, you can have two glasses of wine a day, accompanying meals, which prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
  8. Finally, have a positive attitude and do not worry about getting old, live the present, enjoy day by day and do not think about an uncertain future.

According to recent studies, it was concluded that at 50, the happiest stage of life begins, and it is one in which feelings like worry and bad mood are minimal, so enjoy the best stage of your life.