Do you want to have healthy nails? Follow 7 effective tips to take care of your nails, and you will be able to look beautiful hands that are an important cover letter in any environment where you perform. Having healthy nails is very important to have a neat and beautiful image. Next, we’ll explain how to do it:

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Keep your nails clean, hydrated, and very dry and take care of the cuticle: It is very important that in addition to the manicure at hairdresser’s or on your own, you daily remove the dirt that accumulates under your nails. On the other hand, you must keep them hydrated, so when applying moisturizer on your hands, do it also on your nails, and we recommend you to massage both hands and nails.

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To take care of your nails, you must provide them with a sufficient dose of hydration, as they will be healthy and strong; therefore, it is important that olive oil baths be carried out, leaving them to soak for about 5 minutes, giving them circular massages that are essential, and you can add a few drops of castor oil to harden them, you will see that with this practice your nails will be strengthened and will look beautiful.

Also, you must dry your hands well, since you keep your nails from the moisture that remains when performing any task at home, because water deteriorates the cuticle and increases the appearance of infections, so it is recommended to usually wear gloves for scrubbing, gardening, DIY and crafts in which aggressive products are used that can affect both hands and nails.

When taking care of your nails with the recommendations we have given you, you are also taking care of your cuticles; but we must remind you not to cut them abruptly because this can directly affect the health of the nails and their appearance.

Cut your nails in a straight form: If you want to take care of your nails and prevent them from becoming ingrown, it is advisable to cut them with small and nail clippers and in a straight form, making sure not to pass the fleshy part, because it would be more likely to get dry.

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If you want to keep the length but to take care of your nails at the same time, it is preferable to use a nail file to scissors, following the shape of the cuticle, which is its natural form, and doing so when you have just come out of the shower because the nails will be soft.

Eat vitamins A and B: An important advice when taking care of your nails is to consume vitamins A and B, because both strengthen your nails. These vitamins are found in foods such as tomatoes, red peppers, carrots, brewer’s yeast, cereals, nuts, almonds, crustaceans and fish. It is also recommended to have a balanced consumption of some dairy products, which provide the necessary calcium to strengthen your nails.

Preferably use cardboard nail files, nail polish with protective base and occasionally let them breathe: Metal nail files are not a good option because they can cause nail breakage and weaken them, so it is advisable to use cardboard nail files that will lower your nails, remove those little annoying bits that affect their appearance, and will not cause any damage; but you should use them carefully, proceeding from the sides to the centre continuously and with gentle movements. If you want to keep them of a specific length, do not use scissors; always use cardboard nail files.

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On the other hand, if you are one of those who usually wear your nails with nail polish but you want to take care of your nails, we recommend that before the application you use a protective base to then spread the nail polish in very thin layers, letting it dry for a few minutes before applying the second layer of nail polish. It is important that you keep in mind that you should not perform the manicure more than once a week because that will weaken your cuticles.

Letting your nails breathe once in a while is also important to take care of your nails properly although you love having your nails decorated to show them at all times, but they need to breathe and be natural, without even nail polish. Besides, do not put on nail polish and remove their makeup more than once a week so as not to mistreat them excessively because this could affect their health and appearance.

Use home remedies to strengthen nails: To take care of your nails effectively, it is recommended that you use homemade ingredients that bring wonderful benefits, as it hydrates, hardens and whitens them. This mixture is made with olive oil that is responsible for nourishing and moisturizing them, garlic that strengthens them and prevents the appearance of fungi, and lemon juice, which whitens and hardens their surface. It is advisable to cook a clove of garlic to soften it and facilitate its crushing so as to mix it with the oil and lemon juice until you get a homogeneous paste to apply on your nails.