Teaching your children great values is the key to make them successful adults. This is not an easy task, but the best thing to do is to start when they are little. Here is a list of what we consider the most important values.
Teach your children to be honest. Teach them not to lie under any circumstance, including fear or convenience. Praise their sincerity, so that they learn how to admit their mistakes.
Teach them the value of respect. This is the base of any relationship, and since the beginning, you must teach them how to be polite and respect themselves and others.
Teach your children about forgiveness. In a world where everyone can make mistakes, you must teach your children the value of true forgiveness.
Teach them the sense of responsibility. You can teach your children to be responsible at a very young age, through simple things such as organizing their room or putting their dirty clothes in the washing basket. These details will help them commit to their future obligations. You should also show them that their actions can bring whether positive or negative consequences.
Be patient. This value is associated with the fact that we all live in a society. Children must learn that they are not the only people on Earth. You must show them that we live in a world full of people, and we interact with these people and their different cultures, religions, backgrounds and limitations. The essence of this value is to accept people the way they are, and understand the difference between good and bad behaviors, so they can stay away from what is wrong.
Teach your children values of humility. Your children must know that they are not better than anyone. The best way to learn that is through real-life experiences, such as participating in a game or competition. They must know how to win without underestimating others. Show them that they will not always win though, and they should acknowledge other people’s achievements.
Teach them the values of friendship. Teach them to care for other people by showing how good friends act with each other, and in order to maintain a friendship, you must show your friends that you care, without expecting anything in return.
Be kind. In such a violent world, this is an important value to teach your children. Guide them and teach them to be kind to other people. Show them how to help other people.
Teach them the value of self-esteem. A child that is loved and praised for their positive actions and achievements, and knows that his/her opinions are important for the whole family, will feel important and self-confident.
Teach your child about effort. Do not do everything for them. You must show them that they have to fight for their goals, and that demands hard work and sacrifice. Help them overcome their impatience and show them the meaning of effort through your actions.