Insomnia is a sleep disorder, which, according to clinical studies, is suffered by 40% of the population, especially from time to time. It is one of the most popular disorders, which according to the clinical standard, can be diagnosed as insomnia if a person takes more than thirty minutes to fall asleep and their sleep period lasts less than six hours, being occasional the one that lasts less than a month and chronic if it exceeds that period.
So, if you suffer from insomnia, whether it is occasional or chronic, you can try some of the foods that nature offers to fight insomnia:
- Banana is one of the best known foods to fight insomnia because it has a high content of vitamin B6 which the body requires to produce melatonin, which is the hormone responsible for sleep. It also contains tryptophan, magnesium and potassium that will help in relaxation.
- Lettuce: contains lactucarium, which has sedative effects; a lettuce salad at night will help you sleep.
- Almonds and nuts: are recommended due to their high content of magnesium; they are a natural source of melatonin, necessary to sleep without problems.
- Dairy products: a glass of warm milk before sleeping is a millennial natural remedy against insomnia. And not only milk produces that effect, yogurt and cheese can also be used for the same purpose. These products contain tryptophan, which in beside containing melatonin also have serotonin, elements that will help you relax. They also have calcium and help eliminate stress.
- White cereals: have a high content of sugars that cause the relaxing chemicals to reach your brain and help you to rest better. Consuming rice or bread made with wheat flour, will benefit you if you suffer from insomnia. These products contain fiber, which also helps digestion.
- Rooibos: Tea is the perfect substitute for coffee and does not contain stimulating substances.
- Honey: use this product in your infusion or with a cup of hot milk and your resting time will be pleasant.
- Sour cherry juice: this type of fruit contains tryptophan and melatonin. In addition, the pigment that gives its characteristic red color to it will prolong your sleep periods, according to a study conducted by the University of Louisiana.
- Fish and Seafood: products such as tuna, salmon, prawns and lobsters, contain a great amount of vitamin B6 that increases melatonin and helps you sleep.
- Infusions of Valerian or chamomile: Valerian contains glycine that will provide a feeling of well-being, while chamomile is a mild sedative. When served hot, it will raise the temperature of your body and provide you with relaxation, and it does not have caffeine.
In addition to the usual consumption of these foods, if you want to fight insomnia, it is advisable to stop using your mobile phone long before you go to bed, avoid white light screens, and take a warm bath.