Because of the simplicity it offers, one of the most used elements in gambling are dice. But what many of us ignore is that, besides in luck, they can also be used to foretell our future, being the cleromancy the right foretelling art for it.
This word comes from the Greek words “klêros” which means luck and “manteĭa”, which means foretelling. On a wider way we could interpret that the combination of words mean foretelling through luck, being it an important element in this “manteĭa” the throwing of the dice, although sometimes they also use small pieces of bone, stones or wood; the combination of the numbers acquired in each throw will reveal a particular message depending on how many dice we use, whether it’s one, two or three, and the asked question.
Even though the cleromancy isn’t currently a very popular foretelling art, it was one of the most used oracles of its time, having its bigger peak in the middle age. While its origin is unknown, an old legend says that this foretelling method would’ve been originated in ancient Greece; being the pythoness of the oracle of Delphos the first CLEROMANTE, but instead of dice she used white and black stones.
Nevertheless, little by little the Greek, Egyptian and Roman cleromants would integrate this “manteĭa” to the use of astragals, some four faced pieces made of small bones and vertebrates of the feet of lambs, on which alphabet letters were marked; therefore it is known as astragalomancy. However, with the passing of time its practice would be abandoned by these cultures, but gypsies would keep the legacy alive till today, for them is one of the most popular foretelling methods, just like the Tarot.
Consulting the dice is very simple, because of this you may use them for a simple and direct consult; the first thing we will do is energize de dice. In order to achieve this they must be left under the moon for a night, under the sun for a day and then washed with lots of water, avoiding the waning moon Then we must focus on the question for which we want an answer and with the help of a beaker we must shake the dice seven times, to then throw it on a table covered by a towel of any color that we would’ve set before. The results will be interpreted according to the following code:
One: triumph, money and richness, expected results and problems that will be worked out.
Two: Businesses will go well, financial and moral backup by a close person
Three: Professional success, open road for economic prosperity. You will count with help.
Four: New and good opportunities will present, you will have a lot of work.
Five: Your work will be recognized, you will make the right choices.
Six: Economic improvement. Investments that will bring comfort. New relationships.
As you could surely tell, this is just an example of cleromancy; we invite you to know other methods and discover your future, you will be surprised by the results.