Face, breasts, legs, abdomen and parts of the arms and feet are cared daily with dedication. However, others such as heels, neck, back, elbows or neckline seem invisible until, with the advent of time, are exposed and looks that are not in good shape.

Rostro, senos, piernas, abdomen y algunas zonas de los brazos y los pies se cuidan a diario con esmero. Sin embargo, otras como los talones, cuello, espalda, codos o escote parecen invisibles hasta que, con la llegada del tiempo, quedan al descubierto y se ve que no están en buena forma.

You tend to believe that between the face and chest there is no piece of skin to worry about, but the reality is that it is useless to invest hours and money in the face to restrain aging, if the neck and chest betray the passage of time showing vertical and horizontal wrinkles and blemishes or signs of dehydration.

Due to deterioration and reduction of the fibers of collagen and elastin in the dermal layer, from 30 or 35 years, the loss of smoothness and brightness appears on the neck and chest. Such fragility forced to dip the cutting edge cosmetic and aesthetic medicine for rejuvenation. Drs Mar Mira and Sofia Cueto recommend applying botox to relax the tension exaggerated transverse wrinkles that can appear at any age. Also use the benefits of botulinum toxin to kill cleavage wrinkles.

The buttocks are the larger muscles of the body, in which the passage of time, lack of exercise and physical inactivity cause fat to install mercilessly, making visible flaccidity and the law of gravity is responsible for plunge them.


To regain muscle tone and firmness, and eliminate fat, the esthetician Maribel Yébenes recommends to repair tissue with a “peeling” based on chemical glycolic acid, lactic or mandalic, according to skin type. Then, using a strong massage and upward, a cocktail of active ingredients is applied, and if necessary, substances will be added with anti-cellulite properties. Finally, depending on the needs of each patient, different types of radio frequency to activate circulation and improve elastin are applied.


Moreover, the contact with clothing regularly makes your elbows on a rough, dry area, which is unpleasant to the touch. The only way to restore softness is applying moisturizer generously in order to improve the texture and strengthen elasticity.

There is nothing uglier that dry and cracked heels because of lack of hydration. Nutritious and rich in olive oil cosmetics give beauty and comfort, even better if applied at night and sleep with cotton socks.

Remember also to keep a healthy lifestyle is good for your entire body, especially to look a nice and smooth skin. So, in addition to applying all read, it is also advisable to feed properly and practice a daily workout; you will see that your skin and your body will thank you.