In the world of passengers, aircrafts, airports, airlines and others, is crowded environment where certain unforeseen can happen. Meanwhile hustle it can happen that nobody wants, the loss of luggage or its mislaid, whether temporarily or permanently.


The worst nightmare for a traveler is losing his suitcase, but it is highly unlikely, just 0.01% are lost in the luggage traffic on a plane; this is equal to 10,000 bags daily. Although the ideal would be to avoid this, we need to know what to do if that happens.

The most important thing to know is that the responsibility of damage to luggage falls only on the airline; this includes damage, loss, theft and late delivery of baggage; so it is they who must indemnify or repair the passenger discomfort in any of the cases presented.


Although, usually the compensated does not replace the lost, before boarding any flight, it is vitally necessary to declare any valuables that you keep inside your suitcase, so that in case of loss or damage will be paid the value declared and not the standard.

Being a victim of this situation, the first thing to do is go to the information desk of the airline and report the incident; in the case of travel with several of these you can go to any of them.

There you should explain the situation and ask for the Property Irregularity Report (PIR). It should be required to record the incident in writing before leaving the airport.


The essential requirements to the proceedings are the ticket and billing number suitcase. Thereafter, these documents should be stored in a safe place, because you will need them for all subsequent necessary requests.

In making the written statement, they must give a reference number, a telephone number and a web address where you can view the status of your baggage. It is from there that we proceed to the international searching of luggage, for peace of mind, most of the time, the luggage appear, but the delivery may be delayed several days.

You must be a responsible traveler, to be so, you must be informed and know your rights, because if the airline refuses to compensate, you can initiate a prosecution. The company has a maximum of six months from the date on which the incident occurred, to pay the compensation due.

The process of claim to an airline is long and tedious so many passengers end up on giving up; do not give up, you have the upper hand and have a period of two years from the arrival of your flight.


96% of cases for lost luggage are solved within the first five days, many companies make the claim process rather annoying for the passenger to kill their hopes. They must immediately give a toilet kit or in some cases a cash amount. Assert your rights until the end!




  1. Marianna Provolone says:

    I’ve lost count on how many times I’ve lost my luggage, but actually I didn’t have to wait long for them to reappear…

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