We all have a dark side that we never show, because perhaps would reveal the real personality inside us. Each zodiac sign hides a dark part inside that they refuse to reveal, let’s search for this side.
Aries: this sing don’t accept criticism from anyone and feels no remorse for hurting people by telling the truth. It is very egocentric, thinks only of himself and often does not care about the feelings of others.
Taurus: the dark side of this sign is its obstinacy and stubbornness, characteristics that will always cause problems that prevent it of thinking clearly. Moreover, this sign is very materialistic, attached to money and has a tendency to fall into greed.
Gemini: This sing is very offensive and hurtful when is angry with someone, even after they repent. Their dark side is the tendency to lie naturally; they try to justify their mistakes, but with another lie.
Cancer: This sing excellent memory leads to remember past events, and if those facts have included some bad situations; they will remembered with resentment and bitterness. When they are angry, become aggressive without measuring consequences.
Leo: their arrogance does not allow them to accept orders from anyone and their lack of humility do not accept mistakes. They like to impose their will and cannot bear that someone disobey or to question their orders.
Virgo: They care little that their attitudes and comments can hurt others. They may criticize in a derogatory manner to hurt deeply.
Libra: en lo más íntimo de su ser este signo es agresivo e impulsivo. Con tendencia al egoísmo y a no tener en cuenta las necesidades del otro. Pueden llegar a ser perezosos y a querer vivir a expensas de los demás.
Scorpio: They are excessively emotionally manipulative as they cling to a person they consider them of their property. They are prone to hatred and resentment; they can be violent and cruel.
Sagittarius: They rush to discuss any idea that will pass through their mind without regard to the magnitude of their words can hurt others. They are impulsive by nature and this leads them to be bold and daring.
Capricorn: Their dark side is characterized by a grudge when someone does something bad to them and they can become stubborn and suspicious; also they are intolerant, greedy and selfish.
Aquarius: They show coldness and indifference to the pain of others. They manifested their temper with unforeseeable and rebellious behavior. Those born under this sign have a marked tendency to rebellion they don’t accept the rules impose by society.
Pisces: They love to do favors, but they do so with an end; later they will ask something in return taking advantage of others.
We are not perfect, we have strengths and weaknesses, but the most important is incorporate positive qualities to our lives. The real beauty is inside us!