Not only clothing, shoes, accessories, makeup and other elements are a reflection of the way of being or feel of a woman. The hands and especially the nails, have a lot to say about the personality of the female. But, really how do you know which one is right? Natural, with system, decorated, unicolor, long or short.

The beauty of the nails has become a space of main sight of the perfection of woman, especially when they look them long and arranged with heterogeneous shapes and colors ranging from the most alive until pearl shades and temperate.

As eyes reflect the soul, it is said that the nails provide signals about the health of the body. In prehistoric times, several cultures such as the greek, believed that the state of the nails was indication of health, care and neatness of the people; for example, if a woman had the nails bitten and without brightness, it was thought that she was a neglected and neat little woman.


In conclusion, the woman must have as obligation some manicured hands, whatever the occasion, the experts of this art recommend to do your nails every eight days, but you will say: but I have them very short and painted they look ugly, and if I use artificial nails, then it will damage my base, they get weakened and limits the growth.

Pay close attention because in this boxing ring you will know which is the perfect, while many are in favor of the natural, there is an advantage to use a system either acrylic, gel or sculpted. We’ll show you what you need to know to make the right decision about your style. The women are looking for the artificial nails due to that their own are weak, get flaked and even frequently get broken or simply they like the appearance of long and exaggerated nails; this alternative is an immediate solution for those girls who don’t have much free time, because their enamel is more durable; but it is also true that they have their disadvantages.

Among them we can find some health problems, for example, if they’re applied improperly may create bacteria forming fungus; sometimes suffer from allergic dermatitis of splice, when the products are applied for the fixation of the nails; unpleasant discomfort, even, until to entirety lose the nail, since the plastic picks up moisture causing them to become brittle; in addition we must take into account that it is a fairly expensive system.

Now if you don’t want to take some of these risks, you can look the original nails, maintaining them with a good brightness or enamel, constant manicure, using products to accelerate growth, harden and prevent the break. Everything is in the care that is given to the nails, the important thing here is to keep them neat, in good condition, always to the nines; they reflect your personality and appearance. Natural or artificial, the important thing is the style of each person.