The Aztecs were the first believers in the moon and the sun were the Gods handled our world. They felt that they were governed by those elements, thus, established by a Zodiac qualities of each person and the type of animal or object that they represented.

  • Deer: The people represented by the deer have a rather contradictory personality. Although they are shy and find it hard to start conversations with unknown people, they are really ambitious and have initiatives at work that makes them stand out. They are quite independent and also able to be worth for themselves. They are almost always the first to leave home or run away from this.
  • Cayman: They are quite conscious and secretive about their personal problems. They could become very analytical and often think hard before doing things, however, they might be undecided at times. If you were born under this sign, you are a responsible person and you word is trustful.
  • House: You tend to be a household individual and feel deep love for their homes and families. They like to receive the love of their relatives and their care; however, if there are conflicts, they may be distant from any member of the family and this affects them in an incredible way.
  • Flower: They are characterized by being bright and fun, with a longing to conquer the world that makes them inexhaustible. They roam the planet with a tranquility which can sometimes disturb the people around them.
  • Snake: Normally these people are friendly, outgoing and have friends wherever they go. They are perfect to function as leaders in any aspect.


  • Jaguar: The Jaguars give great importance to the physical aspect, they adore being neat and manicured. They just hang out with people they trust and if they are betrayed they can turn revengeful.
  • Rod: Those born under this sign are people, who are always with extreme happiness, are humble and don’t care about money. They like to feel free.
  • Rabbit: If you were born under this sign you are a safe and loving family person. They can also be perfectionist in all aspects of their lives. They are quite serious, so they don’t appreciate jokes.
  • Eagle: They detest taking orders and at timer they could be quite hateful, jealous and a little selfish, but they are also brave and optimistic.
  • Monkey: They are incredibly friendly and with a taste for extreme creativity. They are generous and good at making friends wherever they go, winning the hearts of everyone.
  • Flint: These people are able to give everything for others. Sometimes a little aggressive and authoritarian, this makes them have enemies on the road.
  • Dog: They are obsessed about every aspect of their day and they expect it all goes well. Although they are cold and somewhat introverted, they tend to give a lot of love to those who they believe deserve it; they are pretty accurate.




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