Reducing anxiety is something very necessary, since it can drain us mentally and have a real impact on our body. Research has shown that you can reduce anxiety and stress with a simple practice of mindfulness.

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is about paying attention to everyday life and the things that we normally rush through. It is about lowering the volume of the mind by returning to the body.

To put it into practice, it is likely that we already have all the necessary tools and we do not have to make major changes. In light of this, let’s look at some tricks to boost mindfulness during the day to reduce anxiety and calm the mind.

Mindfulness tricks to reduce anxiety

Set a purpose

Whether you do it in your morning journal or before important activities, setting a purpose can help you focus and remind you why you are doing something. If something makes you anxious, like giving a big speech at work, set an intention. For example, you can set an intention to take care of your body before going to the gym or treat your body kindly before eating. This will help reduce anxiety.

Take a guided meditation or mindfulness practice

Meditation can be as easy as finding some space and opening an app. Currently, there are online applications and programs that are a great way to immerse yourself in a practice without committing to an expensive class or without taking a lot of time. So you can easily put it into practice to reduce anxiety.

Mindfulness practice Anxiety

Unleash your creativity

Setting aside a couple of minutes to scribble or draw is a good way to reduce anxiety. Your creativity will flow and allow your mind to take a break. If drawing the pictures stresses you out, you can buy a colouring book, it is much easier.

Go for a walk

Going for a walk is very beneficial to reduce anxiety. Pay attention to the sounds around you, the feeling of the wind against your skin and the smells. It is important to avoid distractions, it is best to leave the phone at home, and do your best to stay focused on your senses and surroundings. Start small, close to home and see how you feel.

Wish other people happiness

You only need 10 seconds to do this practice. Throughout the day, you just have to randomly wish someone to be happy. You can do it mentally, in your head. You do not need to tell the person; you just have to set the positive energy. Do it on your daily commute, at the office, at the gym, or while waiting in line. It will be even more beneficial if you feel upset with someone and stop and (mentally) wish them happiness.

Building upwards

Whether you are taking out the trash or coming home late, pause and take a couple of deep breaths into your belly as you look up at the sky, the stars. This is a very good way to reduce anxiety, let the cosmos remind you that life is bigger than your worries.

Mindfulness para reducir la ansiedad
Image By Pixabay

Focus on preparation

Make a cup of tea or coffee, or whatever you are going to do. Settle into practice and focus on each step. If you are making tea, pay attention to how the leaves smell, what the water looks like when added to the tea leaves, watch the steam rise in the cup, and feel the heat of the cup against your hand. If you have time, have a sip of tea without distraction.

Try focusing on just one thing at a time.

One way to do this is to set a timer for five minutes and give your full attention to one task. Without checking your phone, without clicking on notifications, without doing anything else. Let that task take centre stage until the timer goes off.

Put your phone aside

Think about it, is it necessary to have your phone at all times? Instead of worrying about checking your phone, sit back and breathe before you start eating. Take a moment for yourself and be able to focus on everything you do.

Turn everyday tasks into a mental break

Instead of obsessing over or worrying about what to do. Enjoy! Focus on every detail while doing homework. Look at everything in detail. You can breathe slowly while waiting for the washing machine to stop, or daydream while folding your laundry.

Keep a personal journal

Keeping a journal is a good way to reduce anxiety. In addition, they can help calm your mind and control thoughts that may be weighing you down. There is no right or wrong way to keep a journal. You can use a journal or notebook, in a very structured way, on a set schedule. But, you can also use a random piece of paper and write down your thoughts.

Put breaks to your social media accounts.

While social media has its uses, it can also contribute to your anxiety and disrupt your productivity. You would be surprised how often you check your social media accounts without thinking. Then, log out. This is a neat trick, as having to enter the password again will make you realize it and you will not.

If you decide to log in, set a time limit or an intention. That way, you will not end up feeling behind on work or guilty for spending 20 minutes looking at social media.

A recent study found that the use of multiple social media platforms was associated with anxiety in young adults.

Every bit of awareness or mindfulness is very beneficial. The most important thing is to practice these mindfulness tricks to reduce anxiety regularly. These can help you calm your mind and overcome negative emotions. Try to take at least five minutes each day to meditate or do some mindfulness practice that you enjoy.