The zodiac sign of Scorpio is known to be the eighth on the zodiac wheel. And whose existence is determined by the transit of the Sun in its constellation between October 23rd and November 21st. One of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac, and because of how deep and passionate it is, it is often thought of as a fire sign. And it is that when passion takes hold of them, they can become jealous and controlling.

However, it is a water sign whose strength derives from the psychic and emotional realm, although it is a mystery to most. So we invite you to discover below what makes the zodiac sign of Scorpio unique and special.

Signo zodiacal de Escorpio Zodiac sign of Scorpio
Image By DarkWorkX from Pixabay 


Scorpios are characterized by passion and assertiveness, being also loyal and noble people. In fact, when they build trust with others, they can demonstrate unmatched empathy, depth, and commitment. Likewise, they are determined and are always clear about what they want. So they will not be afraid to work hard to achieve it, as they are natural fighters.

In addition, they never show all their cards and always worry about getting to the bottom of everything. Taking special interest in the hidden side of things and the mysteries of life. Their penchant for mystery is what makes them one of the most interesting signs. On the other hand, their enigmatic nature makes them be seductive and owners of a magnetic personality that attracts.

Scorpio is the zodiac sign most associated with sex, since the genital area is the part of the body that rules. Although for the sensual Scorpios, sex is not only about pleasure. But also physical closeness, spiritual enlightenment and emotional intimacy, something beyond what sex can provide.

Scorpio symbol: the scorpion

The zodiac sign of Scorpio is represented by the Scorpion, and its glyph represents with its pointed arrow the sharp and poisonous sting of the Scorpion. An animal that, despite being small, has an armoured body and a powerful stinger that were designed for defence.

Like their spirit animal, Scorpios are endowed with natural weaponry that allows them to stalk and attack when least expected. Being able to survive and get ahead only in dark or uncomfortable situations. And, the Scorpion is a complex creature capable of committing suicide rather than allowing another creature to do so. Which also represents the self-reflective desire of this sign to transform and recreate itself over and over again.

Scorpio Element: Water

Water represents life, purity and renewal and is the element of the zodiac sign Scorpio. An element that flows constantly through it, making them be in touch with their feelings and emotions to navigate their life. Also leading them to seek new experiences and answers.

This is how Scorpio, like other water signs, Cancer and Pisces, can develop empathy skills by being in tune with their emotions. Although sometimes this element leads Scorpios to blindly trust their intuition rather than reason. Going even to rely on hunches to make decisions.

Scorpio’s ruling planet: Pluto

The planet that governs the zodiac sign of Scorpio is Pluto. A planet that governs both destruction and transformation and that curiously in Roman mythology is also the god of the underworld. Therefore, this sign will take advantage of its powerful and persuasive side to go beyond the borders of the known and bring to light all that is hidden.  

Also, it is a planet that is associated with death and rebirth. Two themes that play an important role in the lives of Scorpios, promoting cycles of transformation and influencing the personal metamorphosis of Scorpios.

Scorpio Colours: Black and Red

Scorpio’s power colour is black. Which is the colour of mystery, power, darkness, passion and the unknown, just everything that is Scorpio. It is a colour that absorbs light, as does this sign, which is able to submerge under the surface to illuminate its own life. In Western culture, this colour is associated with death and rebirth. Which speaks of Scorpio’s ability to transform.

Another colour associated with this sign is red. A colour that symbolizes power, action and is related to passion, vitality and ambition. Characteristics that also define this sign. This colour gives Scorpio confidence, courage and an optimistic attitude towards life.

Astrological house of the sign Scorpio: House eight

As the eighth sign of the zodiac, Scorpio rules over the eighth house which is the house of transformations, changes, instability and money. Besides that, it is also related to the occult, sexuality and death.

This house is the representation of the things that we share with others, such as secrets, values, and physical intimacy. Which explains why Scorpios have never been interested in superficiality, but in sharing and relating to others in deeper ways. Depth that help them thrive in everyday life.

Scorpio quality: fixed

Fixed signs are characterized by their stability with respect to other signs. As the word indicates, they tend to have fixed ideas, upright, honest and rigid temperament, although this can sometimes lead to both good and bad things. Becoming stubborn even when making decisions, which they carry out to the end.

Although in the case of Scorpio it is less stubborn than the other signs of fixed quality, since they can give in to certain circumstances or situations. But always in the best terms, since, by way of conflicts, it is not possible to get anywhere with them.

Scorpio Tarot Card: Death

Death is the Tarot card that corresponds to the zodiac sign of Scorpio. Well, it emphasizes the connection of this sign with deep and personal transformations. This Tarot card uses death, but not at all but in a figurative sense, representing the end in all its forms, at the level of relationships, projects, phases, ideas and more.

The concept of death is used by Scorpios to continually grow. Since it often ends with companies, activities or relationships in their life that no longer serve to give space to new things. The Death card calls for change and transformation, because when something dies, something is also born.