The accessories are part of the daily life of a woman, In addition complement your outfit to make it look and feel good. Have you ever thought about buying an accessory that, in addition to making it look good, can improve your quality of life? If you haven’t thought about or believe this isn’t possible, it is because you have not heard of jade.

Jade refers to two types of stones: nephrite and jadeite. The difference between them is that jadeite is the one with more hardness between the two, plus they can be found in different colors; instead nephrite you only get it in green, although in various shades.

Now, why you should have an accessory with jade stone?, this stone is considered the “queen of the stones”, not only because it is one of the most expensive, is also due to the many benefits it offers its carrier, do not you think?, here we mention some:

If you are sad and distressed, jade will help you combat this feeling. It is known that jade has a great power to help you out of dark states of mind. Having an accessory with this stone will help you stay focused and see life very clearly.

You have fertility problems or menstrual cycle? you can say goodbye to them, jade is considered the stone of fertility; protects the baby and the woman when she is pregnant, and if your cycle is irregular, the jade normalizes it. Similarly, relieves menstrual pain.

If you have trouble expressing feelings, this stone is associated with the heart chakra, which makes you much more affectionate and communicative. Yellow jade increase the libido of women, because is a sexual stimulant and helps relationships. Owning an accessory jade strengthen your immune system, making it less susceptible to disease. If you have epilepsy, jade helps control these attacks.

This impressive and unique gem should not be used alone as a garment to look beautiful, it can also be used as decoration in the house, which will favor the Feng Shui and positive energy in every corner of your home. A piece of jade under your pillow promotes sleep and, incredibly, will its help you remember the dreams you have had.

We know it is difficult to believe in the benefits of this “magic stone” but only for a moment stop to think: I have tried everything to improve my quality of life?; if your answer is negative, as expected !, which set aside the taboo and be encouraged to venture into this new world of jade. We assure you that the results will live, the feel and not regret having explored this new geological universe.



  1. Ophelia says:

    What else do we need? Its a beautiful stone with positive benefits. Let’s rush to buy the most appropriate piece.

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