The jade is one of the gemstones that was considered very important by the most ancient peoples, for all kinds of worship and also as a representation of the great emperors, was known as “The Stone of Heaven”.

In China, this stone had great impact on their whole culture, so much so that the greatest Chinese philosopher named Confucius, wrote a passage about it in the book of rites. The green jade is one of the most powerful stones, harder than granite and more difficult to engrave than the steel. This stone was commonly found in tombs that belonged to persons of distinguished social classes and even the maya royalty. The jade represents life, the power and fertility; for all these attributes, this stone was considered as the key of the eternity, which gave it at that time, a value well above the gold.

In the Mayan culture, the green lucid color was associated with the grandeur, for this reason came to be valued and preferred to any other precious stone or metal; it was also stated that this stone had facilitated the detachment of the material plane, in order to be able to enter without problems to the spiritual plane; and in many occasions, was worked in a careful way to perform all kinds of decorations that were offered to the gods.

The jade was a highly prized stone in China; when the diamond arrived to the Asian continent, many years before Christ, this was used and appreciated more as a tool for carving jade, than like a precious stone by itself. It is not known with certainty because the maya treasured the jade more than any other precious stone, but it is believed that it was because the maya could see as with the passing of time, nature, animals, and people were deteriorating and the jade remained intact over time.

There are several colors of jade, but the most important was the green color, since it was associated with the nature, and therefore, with immortality, what amounted to a great treasure. Ancient cultures believed that no other stone could contribute the magical powers that the great jade could give.

In China also took an important value, since, considered to be a stone representing one of the most valuable materials, then was used to recreate people or objects of everyday life, and sometimes, it was also used to recreate all kinds of supernatural events that could be appreciated.

For the Mayas also acquires a great value, not only by being associated with the immortality or nature, but because it was related to any type of funeral rituals; also because was believed faithfully that it could return to life to any person or sculpture if it was placed near the heart.

Would you value this beautiful stone more than gold?