There are endless divination arts, practices or methods to predict the future, and since ancient times they have been made through the use of objects, elements of nature, body parts of animals or human beings, and millions of people around the world still practice many of these methods. So here there are some of them.

Artes Adivinatorias Futuro Adivinación Bola de Cristal Dados Runa

Aruspicium: It is one of the divination arts that is based on the observation of the entrails of animals to predict what will happen. But in ancient times it was called enteroscopy, and only the entrails of dead animals that were offered to the gods were observed. In some places it was practiced by observing the entrails while the animal was still alive, and it was known as esplacnomancy.

Ceraunomancy: If you want to know your future through lightings, use one of the strangest and oldest divination arts in the world such as ceraunomancy, where practitioners interpreted the figures that were formed in the sky.

But if we talk about practices based on the observation of forms, we must mention stafilomancy, which bases its practice on figures that are formed when grape seeds are poured into a glass of water.

Although the previous ones are quite rare, none of them compare to one of the strangest and most disgusting divination arts known as copromancy, which is practiced through the reading of faeces that is done since ancient times. But not only the faeces are interpreted, but also the blood of the people and in these cases we are in the presence of hemocritia; and if what is observed is the liver of the people who were offered to the gods, it is called hematoscopy.

Hemocritia Artes Adivinatorias Futuro Adivinación

Likewise, if the resource used to predict in ancient times were the bones of the birds, we are talking about ooscopy; and if instead the figures that the ashes of the victims that were offered to the gods formed, the practice is called teframance.

Without a doubt, since ancient times human beings have been practicing the strangest divination arts; and the reason why methods quite curious like the one invented by Hermes called cledomancy have been used is still a mystery. This consists of covering your ears while another person asks a question, and the answer would be the first word heard when uncovering your ears.

But if you are not convinced by such methods, we have cleromancy; it is one of the oldest divination practices through which predictions were made using the dice that after invoking the gods were thrown so that a priest could interpret the faces that were seen.

Cleromancia Artes Adivinatorias Adivinación Dados

But in case that you would like to see hidden things which under no circumstances have been found, you can use one of the methods based on the use of objects such as cryptoscopy which it is said that you can see through a wall after a deep meditation process.

When the objects used to predict are crystals, it is called crystallomancy, which is one of the most common divination arts where these are simply energy resources that the practitioner uses to predict the future of the consultant.

Cristalomancia Artes Adivinatorias Adivinación Futuro

But if you want a really strange practice to predict the future, we present chronomancy, which is based on the observation of onions; yes, as you read it. The specialist places them on a table, and observes their form, details, and this tells him what will happen. Believing or not is our option.

Now, many people love fire and what it represents because fortune tellers also use it through empiromancy, one of the divination arts where you can see its height, colour, intensity, shapes and even its sound, and from there a complete interpretation is made to the consulting person.

If you want to try with wine, then turn to enomancy, which is one of the divination arts that is based on the observation of the reflections of the wine that is poured into a glass, or through the manifested sensations of the people who drink it.

In case that you are a reading lover, at some point you will surely have searched for messages by opening a book at random. It is precisely on this that stoichiomancy or bibliomancy is based, it is practice of predicting by reading a page of a book that is opened randomly.

Estoiqueomancia Bibliomancia Artes Adivinatorias Adivinación Futuro

And if you look for signs on the ground by observing the possible figures that are form on it, then you are practicing geomancy, which is a practice based on the interpretation of the geometric figures formed on the ground and one of the divination arts that were used in China to choose the land where the home would be built.

Some very curious divination methods are ichthyomancy, a practice based on the movements of the fish; and neplanomancy, based on the observation of the clouds, but not of their movements since this is what is called aeromancy.

Aeromancia Artes Adivinatorias Adivinación Futuro

Finally, we have tiromancy, which is one of the strangest divination arts because sour cheese is used, which should be placed on paper where the names of people suspected of having done something wrong are written so that the worms place themselves on the real culprits, according to ancient beliefs.

Definitely, although these divination arts may seem strange or absurd, there will always be someone who because of curiosity or belief resorts to them. And do you think you would use any of them?