Ensuring that life is in the blood is a statement that has a lot of logic and is biologically testable due to the implications and functions that this liquid tissue fulfils in our body since it circulates through our body, veins and arteries, carrying nutrients and oxygen without which life would not be possible. But in turn, this statement has religious implications because different references are made in the Bible that talk about the role of blood in the life of the human being.
But, let’s begin by explaining the biological part of this vital substance, which is a liquid tissue that travels through the body through the blood vessels in order to transport all the cells required to fulfill the vital functions of the human being such as breathing, defending itself against the aggressions of the environment, forming substances, and so on, and which varies in quantity according to factors such as the age, the sex, the weight and the height of each person.
It contains solid and liquid elements; inside the solids ones there are white blood cells or leukocytes, which protect the body from infections or foreign bodies, and red blood cells, which are responsible for extracting waste and distributing nutrients and oxygen from our body, in addition to platelets, also known as thrombocytes, which are small fragments of blood cells that form in the bone marrow, a sponge-like tissue in your bones.
Platelets are responsible for stopping bleeding through coagulation, and are responsible for the growth of other cells to repair any wound. The liquid element called plasma is composed of 90% water and the rest of substances and proteins, responsible for transporting the elements of this liquid.
Blood is essential for the breathing process to take place, hence it is vital for us. In addition, its presence is essential for the body to defend itself against aggressions, taking away carbon dioxide and waste, and helping the body to maintain its temperature, as well as it takes charge of antibodies and tissue healing.
As a curious fact, we are going to mention what happened to the first president of the United States, George Washington, who had a strong throat infection in 1799. The doctors of that time applied a bleeding as part of the treatment, which was common in the nineteenth century, so they took 80 ounces of his blood; that is, about 35% of all the blood in his body.
Now that medical understanding has advanced a lot, doctors have the knowledge that life is connected to the condition of this liquid, especially the quantity; for example, one of the first things paramedics do when there are injured in an accident is injecting serum into the person’s arm to strengthen the blood.
For this reason, when someone gets sick and goes to the doctor, he takes the temperature, blood pressure, and blood samples are taken to perform the respective tests that allow the diagnosis of the disease. So this is the key to life, without it, the organs would not receive the oxygen and nutrients that are needed.
So far we have sufficiently explained the reasons why life is in this fluid; however, we will complement our approaches with some religious claims and that are mentioned many times in the Bible.
As expressed in the Bible, life is in the blood because there is no remission of sins without the shedding of blood. In Genesis 9: 4, it is expressed that when for the first time God gave the order to eat meat, he forbade eating it without first being bled because life is in the blood of the animal that was to be consumed.
On the other hand, in Corinth: 11: 23-26, it is said that the blood was next to the bread at the Lord’s supper, and Jesus was talking about the intimate communion with him when drinking wine, expressing the following: “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him” (Jn. 1:5) 6:00. In this way, by drinking the wine, the Holy Spirit works by purifying and sanctifying the inner life of the believer.
Likewise, according to the defenders of these biblical statements, in ancient times, God demanded blood of animals to cover human sin until Christ came to shed his pure and true blood to cleanse our sins, being expressed that in the blood of Christ the life of God is, represented by the most noble Greek word for life, Zoe, which alludes to the spiritual life, the resurrected life of Christ.
For all biological and religious reasons, we can ensure that life is in the blood, and that when blood is shed from innocents, the lives of souls who deserve to be on earth to fulfill their mission are being threatened.