Many women want to fight grey hair because they are a visible sign of the passing of the years, but they don’t like to use chemicals that eventually damage their hair a lot; for them natural alternatives represent a great ally to hide them without having to suffer for undesirable side effects of permanent dyes.

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One of the reasons why grey hair appears is because of the lack of iron in the diet, which can even cause them to appear prematurely, because this basic element for the body favors the production of melanin, which can also be affected by genetic factors and the degree of its exposure to ultraviolet rays. In order to provide iron to our body, you must consume foods such as celery, corn, nuts, spinach, carrots and cucumbers. But, if you want to minimize its appearance, you can opt for the use of the following natural remedies:

Rosemary: This excellent natural alternative to fight gray hair owes its properties to its high antioxidant content such as caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid that allows to counteract it and strengthen the black colour of hair. Its preparation is very simple, only several branches of this plant are taken and an infusion is prepared, which is allowed to stand and then applied to hair without rinsing. Let it act for half an hour and then wash with enough water.

romero infusión flores

Ginger: This natural product is one of the most used plants in traditional Chinese medicine, and it is an excellent natural remedy to strengthen the scalp since it increases circulation, helping hair follicles to grow, which are hair-generating glands, and minimizing the effects of gray hair. Preparation: a medium piece of ginger is scratched, which should be placed in a pot with a litre of boiling water. Let it boil for 15 minutes, let it rest and then apply on the scalp, letting it act for about 20 minutes.

Ivy: The extract of the leaf of this plant is very effective in fighting grey hair and darkening hair, to the point that a very dense tincture is extracted from the small fruits, which is used to make dyes. Preparation: Only about 10 ivy leaves should be put in a liter of water, to cook them for about 15 minutes. Then let it cool to apply the solution to the scalp and leave it for about 20 minutes.

Onion: This fabulous ingredient of many recipes in the kitchen is very effective in stopping grey hair; in fact, a research conducted at the University of Bradford, United Kingdom, found that the enzyme called catalase, which is found in onions, has the property of decreasing the hydrogen peroxide that accumulate in the hair follicles and makes hair fade. Preparation: An onion is grated and boiled in a liter of water for about 15 minutes. Let it cool and apply it for about 20 minutes on the scalp.

cebolla picada cuchillo

Avocado: The tasty avocados are excellent for preventing the appearance of gray hair because they contain enough minerals, fatty acids and vitamin E that have moisturizing and antioxidant properties, as it has been proven in studies carried out at the University of California, Los Angeles, United States. Preparation: A ripe avocado is crushed until a homogeneous paste is obtained, which must be applied to the scalp. Let it act for about 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Vitamins B: This vitamin is basic to prevent gray hair from coming out, so it should be included in meals, food or supplements that contain it such as egg yolk, carrots, entrails, whole grains, etc. According to Alan Greene, an American doctor, one of the causes of its premature onset is vitamin B deficiency.

Jojoba oil: This oil is easily absorbed by the scalp, so if you get a massage with a bit of it, you can achieve deep hydration that will help to fight grey hair. This is because the linoleic acid contained in the seeds of this tree contributes to regulate the generation of fat, and vitamin E is responsible for eliminating free radicals that causes premature aging.

Wheat Germ: The oil extracted from this natural product is very good to hydrate, nourish hair and prevent the appearance of grey hair because it has Vitamin E and is a powerful antioxidant. It can be applied directly to hair or mix it, for example, with yogurt and honey, applying it to dry hair half an hour before washing it.

germen de trigo

Henna: Also called Alheña in Spanish, it is the powder resulting from the crushing of the leaves of a shrub called Lawsonia Inermis from India, where it is used as a natural dye. Preparation: Mix about 5 five tablespoons of this powder with about 250 cc of water until a uniform paste is formed, which is then applied to hair. Leave it on for about 30 minutes.

Walnut leaves: It is one of the oldest home remedies, which are very effective to colour hair and / or shade gray hair. This is because these leaves have a substance called “juglone,” which is a dye widely used in the cosmetic industry. Preparation: A litre of water is boiled and two handfuls of walnut leaves are added when the water is boiling. Let it boil for 15 minutes. Then let it cool and apply it to hair, letting it act for about 20 minutes.