The soul needs to evolve, and some vitamins for the soul are necessary to nourish this immaterial entity that all living beings have, and that is the basis of our divine essence. According to the Bible, the meaning of the soul is derived from the Hebrew term “néfesch”, which means “creature that breathes”, and from the Greek term “psykjé”, which translates as a “living being” or “person, individual”. Furthermore, according to theology, the soul is a part of being, which has a divine portion that survives when the body dies.
In accordance with Aristotle, the soul is that divine part that incorporates the vital principle or essence to living beings, which provides them with an identity of their own; however, the ancient Egyptians believed that there was a dual soul composed of ka or breath, which stays close to the body at death, and ba, which would be the spirit that separates from the body and travels to the realm of the dead. Likewise, Chinese Taoism shares the belief that there are two souls that give life to a physical body; these are Po or soul ying, which disappears with death, and hun or soul yang, which survives and becomes immortal.
All the definitions mentioned about the soul lead us to reflect on the importance that this term has for the human being, and whatever its etymological origin and the true concept of it are, we are sure of something, that the soul is a basic element for the life of the human being on this planet. For that reason we are going to present to you next tips that we will call “vitamins for the soul”, with the purpose of contributing positive elements and values to achieve the personal and spiritual evolution of your self, starting from the premise that we are beings of light that come to this plane to fulfill missions and evolve.
Vitamin Number 1, Faith: Keeping faith or belief in that divine entity that is God, as a vital source that provides us with everything necessary to live, is the first step we must take to access the pure potentiality of the universe. Therefore, it is convenient to remember that, according to the Christian religion, the human being consists of three parts: physical body, soul and spirit, and from our perspective these parts are the physical body, the mental body, the spiritual body and the ethereal body, that represents that essence that we will call “soul”, while the spiritual body represents that energy that gives life to the physical and mental bodies.
We make these explanations because many people often name the soul and the spirit as the same thing, as if it is indifferent to say “your soul” or “your spirit”. Remember that the soul is the essence of life, the individual whole; visualize the spirit as the energy that allows you to move and perform all activities in this earthly plan.
It is then to have faith, to believe without knowing, without having seen, it is something like having positive thoughts about a project without knowing if it is going to happen, Descartes rightly said “I think, therefore I am”, a phrase that contains philosophical reflection in the world of ideas, starting from the premise that he is considered the father of idealism .
Having faith leads us to nourish the soul, that essence that, for many, including us, is immortal, and you must achieve a level of spiritual evolution to ascend to higher levels in other dimensions. In this way, we will manage to cross the path since, thanks to the soul, we have instincts, emotions, feelings, thoughts and conscience that lead us to act in one way or another; hence the importance of having positive attitudes that allow us to act with values such as forgiveness and solidarity, which are vitamins for the soul that we will explain next.
Vitamin Number 2, Forgiveness: Plato considered the soul as the most important dimension of the human being; therefore, we must nourish it through forgiveness, because when we forgive, the soul is freed from absurd attachments that limit spiritual evolution and its possibilities to ascend to higher levels of consciousness, We must even forgive those who harm us, so as not to keep feelings of hatred in our soul that eat us up inside, and although we do not admit it many times, they make us suffer.
Listen to me. Write down on a piece of paper those people you must forgive, and release your soul and spirit from unnecessary ties, giving them that vitamin that provides peace to that “mystic power”, as Friedrich Schelling defined the soul.
Vitamin Number 3, Solidarity: Another of the essential vitamins for the soul that we are going to recommend is solidarity, that so important value for the human being that even most animals have with their peers in their packs. Being supportive means giving love, understanding and support to noble causes in our families, communities and / or countries where we are; this way the soul is nourished, that through the spirituality acts without selfishness to enhance that vital principle of the man, as Denzinger defined the soul, and to which Jasper referred simply as “existentiality”.
Vitamin Number 4, Meditation or prayer: Once you are able to take the vitamins of faith, forgiveness and solidarity, you are taking important steps towards the spiritual evolution of your soul, then it is convenient that you reinforce your being with some practices such as meditation and / or prayer, to connect your soul with the divine essence of the universe, that is, God.
Vitamin Number 5, Reading spirituality books: Information and knowledge are very important, and we must connect with tools and resources that provide them, so we recommend reading books related to spirituality by several authors, so that you can decide which to stay with and discard those that do not agree with your belief system.