With so much to do it is inevitable that occasionally migraine appears. The stress, poor diet or hormonal changes cause the typical headache that makes you want to be in silent and in the darkness.
Quiet, all go through that. Migraine or headache, as it is called connoisseurs, is caused by the change of habits (poor sleep or eat unhealthy) and climate. The disturbance causes a different behavior in the brain, and trigger an intense headache.
This discomfort is not easy to diagnose, because it can also be a symptom of another disease that can be confused with migraine. Therefore, it is advisable to pay attention, because the pain cannot last more than two or three hours; of it persists, is necessary to seek medical attention to clear doubts.
In the case of children a teenagers up to the age of eighteen, it is important to have a balanced diet based on fruits, vegetables, cereals and beef; eat sweets with moderation and play sports to reduce stress, one of the changes that lead to stronger migraine attacks.
As migraine attack is spontaneous, it has no time, place, or special event that warn us that we will have this discomfort, it is important to know the symptoms that allow us to detect and stop on time discomforts. Consider these signs; if you suddenly feel twinges in your head as if you had been hit, this is the first sign of pain. The visions of lights or flashes that look like stars, and in some cases, temporary loss of vision, are the clearest symptoms of migraine, and which are not presented in any other disease.
If you also feel numbness in the hands, tongue or legs, like a tingling and seems to take away strength to stand, you should consult with your doctor to give you a treatment. You may feel nauseated or have episodes of vomiting, you may also experience feelings of dizziness and rejection to certain smells, such as perfumes and food.
When migraine is presented, your perception will be altered and you will be more susceptible to the sounds of the house or where you are; you will feel them too strident. Is important for you to know that 50% of acute headaches are migraines. To avoid this, it is advisable to get plenty of rest.
Close curtains to avoid light, avoid using the computer, turn off your cell, move away from any source of noise, and stay hydrated, especially if you have been vomiting. Finally try to sleep and put the mind in blank. But if the symptoms persist for more than three hours or occur repeatedly, see your doctor so he will recommend the most appropriate medication.