We all know that we have come into this world to fulfil a destiny and who does not believe it, is because it has never considered the purpose of life! You are born with a mission, either long or short, for your own evolution. Therefore, we are born with a marked destiny, and those thick or thin lines will help you to shape and write your destiny.

We are privileged to enjoy the benefits granted by the Supreme Being, and to come into this life to deal with situations the best possible way so as to transform and create a healthy psyche and a pure soul. You have the free will to decide if you are a life changer to determine your present and future.

The destination has many crossroads, and there are those who will have to choose which path to follow. Never forget that, in this life, nothing is casual but causal! That is why; it is difficult to interpret what life has prepared for us as a gift at the end of the road.

If we knew, we would not be facing so many conflicts, obstacles and circumstances that must be crossed to reach a full and free life of bitterness. We can deduct that our fate is already written in the book of life; but we are also aware that our actions should build a balance.

It is quite curious and worth noticing that there are people who visit fortune-telling experts and others foresee specialists, to guess how their energies might unfold their future.

Let us remember that we, human beings, are in constant struggle between work, money, health and love; and we then to forget that to achieve these four elements, we should trigger the creative power of desire, which is related to the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and psychological health.

If these elements are not in complete equilibrium and governed by the law of life, there are no witches, Santeria or magicians in the world that will be able to achieve guessing your future, much less change it!

Destiny is the natural force that guides your life into the positive and negative aspects. In Western cultures, most religions believed in fate, and it is related to predestination. According to this, destiny is built in a metaphysical order that withholds the interpretations.

Nothing exists by chance; everything has its causes and consequences. Everything exists because it was written in that way. The religious canons have always seen destiny as a plan created by God, therefore, it is something you cannot change or modify.

Everything that happens has a reason for being, nothing is casual but causal. Your life will transit several paths, some will be difficult and others will be left unexplained, but your mission is to face them. Albert Einstein said: “The universe does not play the dice with us,” Consequently, chance does not rule your life!



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