One of the most important and vulnerable of all human beings parts are the feet, they are responsible for supporting the weight of our body and allow us to move. However, sometimes we give little importance to their care; and a sign of this are cracked heels. That is why, often, perhaps fails to notice this condition, but when it becomes too obvious.
Cracked heels are a condition caused by several factors that combine with neglect; such as stand for many hours, diseases and disorders such as diabetes and athlete’s foot; obesity, unsanitary conditions, deficiency of vitamins and minerals, among others. There are many causes, but fortunately it is possible to cure cracked heels, by applying the following tips.
Maintain proper hygiene of your feet: gently exfoliate the skin of their feet, using a pumice stone after showering. This will help to remove dead cells and keep your feet hydrated, proper hygiene also allows you to get rid of infections.
It is also important to maintain the hygiene of the feet, protect them from dirt and other infectious agents, using proper shoes at all times and change your socks at least twice a day.
Apply moisturizers: These allow you to maintain optimal hydration of the skin, preventing it from drying out further. Thus, they will begin to heal the cracks. Do it as part of your daily routine, even after healing his feet.
Use shoe inserts: They will allow mitigating the effects of standing for long periods, yet will make walking less painful, to heal while cracks are avoided.
Change often your shoes: While many women wear heels all the time, the ideal is to alternate with more comfortable shoes, if you will be many hours standing.
Take care of your hydration: Since dehydration can cause your skin to dry out, and of course the skin of the feet always require to be hydrated to avoid cracking.
Eat well and avoid overweight: A golden rule in our health is good nutrition, whole body benefits from it. So, you avoid overweight and seek constantly to eat foods rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals that help boost the immune system.
Feet deserve special attention, because without them we could not develop ourselves day by day.
So starting today make peace with your feet, try to lower their gaze more often to give it the attention they deserve, and they will help you to travel great distances in search of new goals in life.
Thanks to feet, you have the mobility to be transported from one place to another. Do not fail to take care of them! They hold your entire body.