Organize a family trip is not easy, let alone if the family is large. Mothers usually organize all family trips as they are the only ones capable of knowing the needs and tastes of everyone. Travelling is always an adventure full of happiness, but to make all we want in this trip, we must organize ourselves properly.

You can’t imagine how lucky you will if you can make a trip surrounded by loved ones! The following recommendations will allow organizing all in the most appropriate way, for this beautiful and perfect trip.

Be very clear on what you want to do with the trip. This is the basis of the trip. What do you want? Skiing, swimming or simply go to a new city or country. To this must also take into account the other members of the family; ask their opinions and do not leave out the things that everyone likes; although it is very difficult to meet all the needs and preferences of the family, if organized, there will be nothing you can not achieve.

How long you will travel? It is important to know how many vacation days the kids have, and how many days off from work each one of the adults have; this must match. With this information you can take the decision of how many days the trip will last. If, however, does not have much time, then a weekend would be perfect so anybody won’t lost some important duty. In these cases, the beach would be a pretty good recommendation; choose the nearest to your house so you can optimize time.

Family documents. The documents will be something you should not forget. Must be organized in a folder or bag all documents of each children and other family members, you should not miss anything. Passports and birth certificates are the most important documents.




Management: You should carry out calculations and budgets of what you can spend and what to save. Therefore, it is important to know the country to which it is addressed, whether it is expensive or inexpensive, hotels, how much can be spent on food and many other things involving expenses. Take a little extra money, this is only for emergencies, and you will be well prepared.

Do not forget the weather of the country or region of visit, this will be the key to knowing which outfits to wear for the trip. If you have no idea at what temperature will be, you can risk going with some warm clothes and spending a rather unpleasant experience.

When you already have everything organized, sit down with your family to imagine what they can do in the journey. Before leaving, double check you have everything in order, and now, enjoy the trip!



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