The tarot of mermaids was designed to show all the power, culture, and legends behind these fascinating creatures, and also to certify that so many of the stories about mermaids are created from their deeds, some of them happening nowadays.

This tarot is a tribute to the mystical marine creature, the mermaid. Mermaid Tarot cards obviously have an underwater sensation, the pictures are attractive and can be effectively used for readings.

The myth of the mermaids originated in classical Greece, where they took the form of beings with a woman’s body, claws and bird wings, which attracted the sailors with their sweet songs to make them sink. Some time later, this legend evolved into the beautiful young women with fish tail who dwell in the universe of waters. These mythological beings have inspired this brilliant Tarot of Mermaids.


The structure and distribution of the arcana in this deck of cards are inspired by the classic Tarot Rider Waite, since the cards corresponding to the arcana of Justice and Strength have their numbers changed when compared to the new tarot of Marseilles.

As for the minor arcana, although they respect the traditional division of four suits, they have other motifs related to the marine world. Thus, the suit of clubs is represented by oars;  cups are shells; swords are tridents, and in pentacles are pearls.

Now, as mentioned above, this magical world of Mermaid tarot is composed of symbologies of the arcana, among which we can mention some:

-The magician: shows a mermaid whose long hair draws the symbol of infinity. With her left hand she holds the Hermetic Caduceus, conciliator of the opposites, and around it, there are emblems of the four elements: a conch for water, a trident for air, a shell with pearls for earth and a red coral that represents the flames of fire.

“The Empress: she is seating on a rock off the coast and looks like a figurehead bowed by the wind. An empress crown is on her head, it has a cross on it. The right hand holds a scepter crowned by an orb, a badge of her power. Next to her fish tail, we can see a shield with the emblem of the solar eagle, it develops in the surface, with the sea extending to its feet.

– The priestess: is also a mermaid, this time sitting on a column (symbol of the axis of the world) that emerges from the sea (symbol of the dynamics of life) and represents a throne. Her head, crowned by the horns of the sacred cow (emblem of the Divine Mother), frames the full moon and makes the long hair shine and rise to the sky driven by the air.

Usually, the mermaid tarot is read to discover the answers to your dreams.