Be mothers, is one of the largest and most rewarding experiences of life and all women (to a greater or lesser degree) have dreamed and imagined since childhood have children someday. Therefore one of the biggest concerns we have when we are married, lies in the fact that if we can conceive. But in some cases, this concern becomes in anxiety for some of us, when after some time, we fail to get pregnant. And from there, many ask: could it be that I am infertile? What tests may be done to rule out if I’m infertile?

To answer this question, first of all should understand that, according to doctors, infertility is the inability to achieve pregnancy, even though the couple is sexually active and have not used contraception in the past year.

There is the first test to determine whether or not we infertile, because if after a year of unprotected sexual activity, we could not get pregnant, could be an indication that something is wrong. However, this claim could not be conclusive, since some couples could take between 12 and 18 months to conceive.

If, however, you and your partner are trying for less than 18 months, is no time to freak out, you can keep trying to know if you are fertile or not by implementing the following tips:

Learn to relax: As in all processes related to health, it is always important to stay relaxed, as the nerves, pressure or stress, may cause ovulation disorders and difficulty becoming pregnant.


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Change your lifestyle: Both you and your partner should avoid excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs, and ensure good nutrition, as this will improve both health and above all, enhance the quality of your partner’s sperm, further increasing the odds.

Sexual intercourse: Get your partner to avoid hot tubs, saunas and hot baths, because heat kills sperm and The testes work best in colder environments. We must also seek deep penetration and to ensure that the semen gets closest possible to the uterus.

Fertility calendar: Build your fertility calendar, by determining when you ovulate and when are your most fertile days, because these days, your partner and you have to concentrate efforts to achieve pregnancy.

However, if with these simple tips you are still having trouble conceiving; perhaps want to find out for sure, using at home, some of these tests: a predictor of ovulation, FSH test or basal body temperature test; or perhaps it is time to seek help from a fertility specialist, who possibly may perform rigorous testing to you and your partner. These may include: blood tests, pelvic ultrasound, laparoscopy, semen analysis, among others; and will indicate possible treatments as in vitro fertilization or intrauterine insemination.

Do not be afraid, everything has a solution, with the support of your partner everything will be fine and able to fulfill your dream of becoming a mother!