Dry shampoo can be your best new ally in beauty as long as you know the proper way to use it. From some specialists in haircare, know the steps to get the most out of this popular cleaning product.

First of all, why use dry shampoo? Within the beauty industry, one of the best kept secrets is the use of Dry shampoo. Only common as one of the secret treatments for famous people and stars, now, this tool has stood out, being extremely popular at beauty salons and hairdresser’s.

This shampoo, besides cleaning, can also help give hairstyles some extra volume, or refresh your appearance after a hard day. In fact, many women usually carry a small bottle of their favorite shampoo wherever they go. They never know when they might need to use it!

The stylist Luana Prieto explains that “Dry shampoo is a new product that is becoming a ‘must have’ for nowadays lifestyle. A long time ago, formulas based on talcum powder were used to disguise the need for hair washing due to the lack of suitable conditions to do so, but currently, this new styling product allows to refresh your look after a long day of work”.

“Applying it is very simple and the result is really natural – adds Prieto – This shampoo succeeds in giving volume to hair roots, reducing the oil of slightly greasy roots or creating texture for an improvised ponytail. It should only be applied on dry hair and it since it normally does not require the use of any thermal hair tool, it will become your great ally”.

Step by step instructions. The first thing to do is to apply some dry shampoo on your hair roots. Comb your hair to spread it down, and then run your fingers through your hair to get your usual style. “Many customers buy it for bangs, they apply a little amount with the fingers directly on it” says hairdresser Anca Ion.

“Lack of volume and excess oily bangs or roots are some of the hair problems that affect the most nowadays, especially in the case of fine hair that requires to be washed daily. Once the product has been applied, allow it to act for a few seconds, and then massage your hair with a towel. Finally, remove the product with the brush or even blow it with the dryer and you’ll be done!”

Countries such as Britain and the United States have already established the use of dry shampoo just like any other beauty tool. Considered a “modern marvel of style”, dry shampoo has made hair cleaning easier, removing excess oil, and letting you show off a perfect hairstyle, without much work or effort.