As women, we are always looking to standout with your beauty. However, when we fail, is because we tend to forget that the first thing we need to do to truly feel and look beautiful is to remember that we are beautiful. When you get to that stage, in which you can’t even look at yourself in the mirror, is when we wrongfully seek thousand tricks to feel beautiful in the eyes of others.

Not all manmade beauty notions are totally accurate. Remember, we all are unique and unrepeatable. Try opting for more natural ways: exercise regularly, eat healthy, use skin creams with natural ingredients, and always smile.

Start your day by copying Snow White’s evil stepmother´s moto: “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” And make sure the mirror always answers back: “You! You are unique, exceptional and perfect”.

Tricks are those strategies which every individual uses, applying their skill and cunning to improve something they are concerned about and needs to be corrected. The thing is that tricks have its advantages and disadvantages. Something positive can become negative, and cause serious consequences. As the popular expression goes: “Prevention is better than cure”.

-Los_trucos_de_belleza_caseros_no_siempre_se_sujetan_a_resultados_óptimos_2_                                                                -Los_trucos_de_belleza_caseros_no_siempre_se_sujetan_a_resultados_óptimos

Both men and women now a day, turn to whatever alternative is in their hands in matters of beauty, knowingly that results could be good or bad.

There are so many beauty alternatives that promise to keep you young and beautiful made with chemical ingredients, that instead of benefitting you, they will only harm you. Some of these effects can even be irreversible. The best way to feel healthy, happy and satisfied is to have a healthy diet, exercise and using products made with natural ingredients.

Las_mejores_mascarillas_caseras,_según_tu_tipo_de_piel._6                                                        -Los_trucos_de_belleza_caseros_no_siempre_se_sujetan_a_resultados_óptimos_3

We often get carried away by what others tell us, and don’t follow our hearts, reason why it is important for us to be curious and research everything that is recommend us. Beauty is subjective, what might be beautiful to you is not for others, so always keep in mind the risks and consequences.
One thing is definite; beauty is not eternal and will vary throughout our years.

You will read and learn about different alternatives daily, but the decision is up to you. Remember, to be beautiful on the outside you must also nurture you inner beauty.